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There are times in our lives when we feel overwhelmed, and struggle to get through the issues we are facing. It could be that your not feeling right or just struggling with day to day life and while talking to family and friends can help, they are likely to offer advice they believe to be true and potentially biased. That is when therapy can help.
When you are ready, therapy can help with big moments like trauma, abuse and anxiety, but it can also help with goal setting and self acceptance.
I work in a purpose built therapy room at the end of my garden, I am based in Ham Richmond
Anxiety and stress related conditions such as, Asthma, Eczema and other skin conditions.
It can take you some time to build up that confidence to make that call or send the first email, but I will take the time to understand your needs as an individual.
As the relationship between therapist and client is so important I offer a free 30 minute consultation either in person or by telephone so we can establish together if I am the right therapist for your needs. If not then I will refer you on to someone better suited to help you.
Can I get stuck in trance?
No. In the unlikely event that your therapist dies during your session you would fall into a natural sleep and wake up. When I do sessions with you for recording there will be a gentle termination to bring you back to full consciousness. If it is a bedtime recording it will send you to sleep and you will awaken at your usual time.
How long does a session of hypnotherapy take?
Usually about 45 minutes. There is a gentle induction using progressive relaxation and visualisation then once I can see you are at the correct level of trance, I do the suggestion work with the unconscious mind. I terminate the hypnosis and discuss your experience with you. It usually helps to record the session to listen to at home in between sessions.
Is hypnotherapy mind control, will you make me dance like a chicken?
You would be surprised how many people believe this. During hypnosis you are always in control. A hypnotherapist like myself is there to help you ….unless of course you want to dance like a chicken!